These gems of BCHA history can inform our present and guide our future. Here you will find records of past board of directors, organization goals and aspirations and articles written by active members. Be sure to check out the Trails History section to see chronicles of how time has altered the face of equestrian trails in our area. For example, the Happy Trails publications by past president and avid horse woman Suzanne Webel can still be used as some of the most insightful guides specific to equestrians but please keep in mind details may no longer be accurate.
Explore over 50 years of BCHA history here including Clare Tone’s ‘Galloping Toward 50’ series commemorating the organization’s 50th anniversary.
Explore the origins of a favorite trail or delve into past BCHA president Suzanne Webel’s detailed ‘Happy Trail’ articles here.
These historic articles appearing on the old website and previous newsletters help trace the evolution of BCHA. From goals and accomplishments of the organization to recognition of volunteers and leadership, get a sense of where we are now by understanding where we’ve come from.

It’s taken a lot of work over more than 50 years to advocate for the lands you ride on and the agricultural spaces around you. Let these stories from the past continue to motivate us to protect our equestrian and agricultural heritage into the complex future.

A taste of what was going on in the equine community outside of BCHA.
Education has always been a founding principle of BCHA. Trace the trends and interests of equine education in Boulder County over the years.

At times youth engagement within BCHA has been strong, at other times non-existent. Like all things driven by volunteers, it depends on interest and motivation of our members. Get a glimpse of a time when youth engagement drove important initiatives within BCHA.