Clare Tone

CTRC Receives Funds From Broncos Sale

Newsflash: Colorado Therapuetic Riding Center (CTRC) receives $37,500 from the sale of the Denver Broncos! CTRC was one of over 35 agencies and organizations to receive a portion of the nearly $1 million awarded to Longmont thanks to the sale of the Denver Broncos. For a therapeutic riding center to be recognized by civic leaders in this way reflects positively on equine organizations in general. And with CTRC’s two-year waitlist, the hope is to expand programming to help more people receive equine assisted activities. Read the Longmont Times-Call article here

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Voulez-Vous Soiree Avec BCHA?

Do you get excited about planning parties? Enjoy being creative?  Love to see your ideas put into action?  We have an opportunity for you to do just that!  BCHA is looking for someone to help plan our 2024 Member Soiree!  What’s a soiree you ask?It’s a meeting + member gathering + new friends + party!Don’t miss this chance!  Looking forward to hearing from you! I’m interested in helping plan BCHA’s soiree

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Major Construction At Hall Ranch Trailhead

There will be no horse trailer parking available until at least mid-June The goal of this project is to improve the drainage, road surface, and overall efficiency of the trailhead. Many sections have faced erosion and need repairs to prevent additional damage to the road, make vehicle access easier, and reduce impacts on the surrounding area. Water pooling in parking spots has caused the deterioration of wood timbers over time. To fix this, the wood parking timbers will be replaced with new stone curbing, which is a more sustainable solution. The stone curbing will be installed with drainage gaps to avoid water pooling, making the trailhead more resilient. Find out more and stay updated HERE.

Major Construction At Hall Ranch Trailhead Read More »

The Trails Committee is up and cantering with its first new members!

We are pleased to welcome Alex Rushford and Denise Marino! Might you be next? Please consider joining this volunteer committee of active BCHA members to create safer trails for equestrians through observation and reporting problematic or unsafe conditions for the equestrian trail riding community.  Through hiking or riding trails, members will report what they think could be a hazard to horses.  BCHA will then contact the appropriate Open Space authority and meet with them to resolve the problem. The ultimate goal is for riders to feel comfortable and safe so that they will return and continue to ride trails–especially where we’ve identified problems and have had them corrected. If you’re interested in joining, just click on the button below and we’ll be in touch! I’m interested in joining the Trails Committee

The Trails Committee is up and cantering with its first new members! Read More »

Social Gathering at CTRC on May 22nd 2024

Mingle with BCHA members and friends along with staff and volunteers from Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center for a chance to: Learn about CTRC’s mission and visionLearn how horses can and do change the lives of the people with disabilities that CTRC serves Observe a class * Tour the facilityGet to know some of the amazing team that make it all possibleEnjoy a potluck dinnerBeverages will be provided by BCHA Details:Please arrive on time to observe the class which begins at 5:30 Dress for the weather. We will be inside to eat but the tour will take us outside. Also, wear waterproof shoes that you don’t mind getting muddy. We are on a working farm, so there is mud. Find out more about CTRC HERE  Sign up & bring something to share for the potluck: Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *I plan to bring: Submit

Social Gathering at CTRC on May 22nd 2024 Read More »

Ranch Horse Mentor Match-Up at the National Western Stock Show

By Mea French, Easy Riders volunteer and Horse Leader’s Council member   A big “congratulations” to current Boulder County 4-H horse member Anna Thomas and alumnae Delaney Helgans (both a part of Easy Rider’s 4-H club) for doing so well in their Ranch Horse Mentor Match Up competition at the National Western Stock Show in early January. Delaney (with her mentor, Jesse Jolly from Agate, Colorado) took 4th place. Anna (with her mentor, Steve Schwartzenberger from Longmont ) was reserve champion earning $1,000 in scholarship money. They both had a good cheering section from their Boulder County 4-H friends and family! These selected riders get to work with talented industry horse professionals in the disciplines of ranch riding, ranch trail, reining and cow work… then compete against each other in this match up between 9 other riders. It was an exciting event all around. Congratulations to Anna and Delaney!

Ranch Horse Mentor Match-Up at the National Western Stock Show Read More »

Join The BCHA Trails Committee

Love to Hike and Ride Local Trails? Join this volunteer committee of active BCHA members to create safer trails for equestrians through observation and reporting problematic or unsafe conditions for the equestrian trail riding community.  Through hiking or riding trails, members will report what they think could be a hazard to horses.  BCHA will then contact the appropriate Open Space authority and meet with them to resolve the problem. The ultimate goal is for riders to feel comfortable and safe so that they will return and continue to ride trails–especially where we’ve identified problems and have had them corrected. Yes–I’m interested in helping!

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Accomplishments in 2023 & Plans For 2024

What We Accomplished In 2023:   Expanded Board of DirectorsWe welcomed Liz French (Secretary), Vera Antonucci (VP-external), Randy Winter (VP, Trails Committee) and Jodi Fowler (Treasurer). So now we’re a six-horse team pulling into 2024! 2nd Annual Emergency Preparedness ClinicCollaborating with Boulder County Mounted Search and Rescue, Boulder County Animal Control, Boulder County Fairgrounds and Boulder County Office of Disaster Management we offer this free clinic every year to better prepare community members to protect our beloved horses and our farms.   Outreach programs at trailheadsWe continued our important and popular “How to safely share trails with horses” program. This year our team was invited to present at Boulder Mountainbike Alliance patrol training. We also put together a unique and effective opportunity for horses to learn not to be afraid of bikes in a hands-on forum at the Beech Shelter. In all, five programs provided meaningful interactions to approximately 255 people. Annual Member GatheringOver 60 dinners served while we socialized and learned from the amazing team at Hatha Equus at the Altona Grange. Fun ShowWe welcomed about 60 riders at the Boulder County Fairgrounds—along with a great turnout of volunteers! BCHA Appreciation AwardPresented to Dr. Mark Fitch (posthumously) for his outstanding lifetime contribution to the equestrian community of Boulder County.  Social Gatherings/Trail TalksOver a hundred of us showed up at various locales through the year to relax, catch up and chat about all things trail riding including an educational session on de-escalation of trail conflicts. Facebook Member Chat RoomA forum for casual and insightful conversations among our horse-loving membership. Ongoing work of the organizationWe held

Accomplishments in 2023 & Plans For 2024 Read More »

Boulder County Youth at the 96th National Future Farmers of America Convention in Indianapolis

 ~By Megan French & Clare Tone   The 96th National FFA Convention took place Nov 1-4th in Indianapolis and BCHA & 4-H member Megan French was there. FFA stands for Future Farmers Of America. It is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. FFA develops members’ potential and helps them discover their talent through hands-on experiences, giving members tools to achieve real-world success. Megan is a senior at Silver Creek High School and attended the National FFA Convention as part of the horse judging team. Here is her dispatch:   My team from St. Vrain Valley School District went to Indianapolis to compete in the horse judging event at the National FFA Convention. We were representing the only Colorado horse judging team at the convention, competing with teams from all over the United States. Our members were (pictured from L to R above): Jack Dolbeare (placing silver), Anna Thomas (placing gold), Shaena Putman (placing silver), Megan French (placing silver). Collectively, our team placed 8th nationally! At the annual National FFA Convention, FFA members and their advisors come from all over the country to compete or just learn more about agriculture. Examples of some events people compete in are livestock judging, dairy cattle judging, meat judging, horse judging, public speaking contest, and so much more. There are also events like a rodeo, concerts and expos put on just for the kids at the convention. This was my first time ever at the convention and I competed with horse judging. It was an amazing experience and I’m so glad I

Boulder County Youth at the 96th National Future Farmers of America Convention in Indianapolis Read More »

CTRC Receives Funds DRAFT2

Newsflash: Colorado Therapuetic Riding Center receives $37,500 from the sale of the Denver Broncos!   CTRC was one of over 35 agencies and organizations to receive a portion of the nearly $1 million awarded to Longmont thanks to the sale of the Denver Broncos. For a therapeutic riding center to be recognized by civic leaders in this way reflects positively on equine organizations in general. And with it’s two-year waitlist, the hope is to expand programming to help more people receive equine assisted activities.  Read the Longmont Times-Call article here

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