Our hearts go out to all in the Boulder area after the floods

View looking east off the mesa at Boulder Valley Ranch Open Space
View looking east off the mesa at Boulder Valley Ranch Open Space

A bit if sunshine has appeared after all this rain. I only hope the livestock in Boulder County has survived this historic event. We have been happy to house a dear friend isolated from her partner at the top of Pinebrook Hills. We just got word and a photo that the Boulder Valley Ranch horses (where I board) appear to have survived and are happily grazing this morning. The ranch house has been flooded and the area around the house was a lake. We hope that the Lover family is doing well after all this devastation and their losses minimal. Do not attempt to drive down Longhorn Road at this time it is washed out and extremely muddy. Many others have flooded barns, basements and hopefully their hay is high and dry. I hope those at the fairgrounds are safe and if the Boulder County Horse Association can be of any help by providing trailer transport please contact us and we will try to assist you in any way we can.

Dry in downtown Boulder,
Linda P