Coulson Gulch Trail Work Day

It was a gorgeous Saturday for a workday at Coulson Gulch. This was a multi-partner event with BMA, the Forest Service and BCHA volunteers. The BMA volunteers showed up enforce and got to work on trail maintenance. BCHA board members, Pat Holgate and Linda Parks picked up lunch at the Subway in North Boulder, arranged by Ed Perault with the Forest Service and

Pat H and Charlie helping set up for lunch at Coulson Gulch
Pat H and Charlie helping set up for lunch at Coulson Gulch

BCHA, and headed up to feed the hard-working volunteers. After lunch there was a fun raffle and socializing.

While we were there some area ca

mpers left a fire pit burning and walked away to hike (dah)! Forest service called in a fire truck to put it out (ka-ching a $500 fine). So if you must have a campfire please be careful to bring enough water and a shovel on your trips to put it out before it puts out thousands of animals and homes.

Lunch at Coulson Gulch
Lunch at Coulson Gulch

Warning to equestrians:
The road up from the fork is gnarly, and absolutely not recommended for horse trailers. So if you are planning a ride there park below the fork in the road. This road is not maintained by forest service, it is maintained by county and let’s hope they grade it and put in drainage culverts in soon.

1 thought on “Coulson Gulch Trail Work Day”

  1. Actually the road is the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest’s responsibility. Instead of just “hoping” someone will fix it someday, please contact the Boulder Ranger District (303-541-2500) and ask that they fix the road ASAP so that horse trailers can park and so that equestrians can access the Coulson Gulch Trail system.

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